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Your resolutions in 2014: an open call for guest posts

By on January 8, 2014
FlickrCC Hamed Saber

As Raph Koster wrote in a recent blog post, writing publicly about your development experience is an important part of finding connections in the industry. It’s self-promotion, and at its best, it is an uncynical act of generosity to other developers. Guest posts inspire useful conversations that help everybody to learn how to succeed in a constantly changing industry.

Gamesbrief has been publishing guest posts for many years now. It makes up some of our best content, and helps us to be a home for lively and thoughtful debate. If you’re interested in submitting, check our quality guidelines for help. You can propose posts on any topic, but this month we’re issuing a special open call for submissions.

New beginnings

A new year is here and it’s time to reflect on where your business is going. Why not share your thoughts with a post answering any of these questions:

  • Can you help other people learn from your mistakes in 2013?

  • What does 2014 offer to game developers?

  • What did you learn in 2013 that will help you to make better/more profitable games in 2014?

Send your submissions to Deputy Editor Zoya Street at

About Zoya Street

I’m responsible for all written content on the site. As a freelance journalist and historian, I write widely on how game design and development have changed in the past, how they will change in the future, and how that relates to society and culture as a whole. I’m working on a crowdfunded book about the Dreamcast, in which I treat three of the game-worlds it hosted as historical places. I also write at and The Borderhouse.