- ARPDAUPosted 12 years ago
- What’s an impressive conversion rate? And other stats updatesPosted 13 years ago
- Your quick guide to metricsPosted 13 years ago
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Free-to-play Spreadsheet
The GAMESbrief free-to-play games spreadsheet is a simple but powerful way of maximising revenue from an online game. This forecasting tool monitors six key metrics to identify what’s holding your game back. We gather benchmarks on those six KPIs and more, so that you can sanity-check your predictions.
Free-to-play design rules
Designing a successful free-to-play game is different to designing a successful paid-for console game. Game designers will have to adapt to the new way of making money from games. These design rules are drawn from Nicholas’s work on dozens of games with many different game studios over the past two years.
50 Questions
There are as many different types of investor as there are types of game maker. They can have very different objectives, motivations and investment criteria. From the point of view of the entrepreneur, this can be very frustrating. Nicholas Lovell and Nic Brisbourne work to demystify venture capital.
How to Publish a Game
Self-publishing is not easy. You need to master marketing, distribution, sales and finance, all areas that many game developers have never considered before. In Nicholas’s book he shows you how to adapt, and on Gamesbrief developers share their experience and thoughts about overcoming obstacles to success.
To build a successful online business, you have to keep your sights on a number of targets; how to acquire the right users, how to retain them so that they keep enjoying the game, and how to build valuable monetisation systems. The ARM framework helps you to approach these problems smartly.
Every week, we all ask our august panel of luminaries a burning question in the world of free-to-play and paymium game design, or a broader question on the future of the industry. Gamesbriefers are CEOs and consultants, men and women, Brits, Germans, Americans, indies, company people and much more besides.
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