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- ARPDAUPosted 12 years ago
- What’s an impressive conversion rate? And other stats updatesPosted 13 years ago
- Your quick guide to metricsPosted 13 years ago
Gamesbrief’s Weekly Tweets for 2010-02-02
By Nicholas Lovell on February 2, 2010
- RT @andrewcrawshaw: Rumour: BBC has given Dr Who game to a German dev. It wouldn't be hard finding talented UK dev (via @wonderlandblog) #
- Just posted: Axe Cop – the surrealist wit of a 5 year old #
- #AxeCop rocks. Great animation + the surrealist wit of a small child. Why aren't all comics like this? #
- Thinking about how to price your game. Check out how to use "loss" language to improve conversion #
- Just posted: Why Facebook won’t charge 30% for payments and leave billions on the table #
- Is 2 million the new 1 million? Now Flight Control has reached 2 million Apps sold, just after Pocket God. #
- Tesco sets up film studio. What next? A games studio? #
- I'm enjoying the GAMESbrief love over "Games don't cause rickets". Thanks to everyone who has linked/retweeted. #