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How to Self-Publish, a masterclass by Nicholas Lovell
I’m teaching a seminar!
I’ve teamed up with Tandem Events, the guys who bring us the Develop Conferences in Brighton and Liverpool, to teach a Game Developer Masterclass.
It’s about business, as you might expect. But more important, it’s entitled:
How to Make Money from Self-Publishing
9.00 – 17.00, 25 February 2010, London
So what’s it about?
The key answer is how to get your game to market. Since I started GAMESbrief, a lot of developers have said how excited they are that the doors to self-publishing are opening again. Anyone can publish and cut the evil publisher, who does no work and takes all the money, out of the loop.
Only it turns out the publisher used to do a lot. The publisher arranged to take money from punters. It financed the game. It worried about how to get the game into people’s hands. And it worried *a lot* about marketing.
In short, a publisher handled sales, distribution, marketing and finance. And now you have to do it yourself.
I’ve been working on this project for over a year (in amongst client projects). The seminar will help you:
- Work out which business model is best for your game and your skills
- Use your game design skills to keep users coming back for more
- Learn how to experiment with price, with marketing strategies, with distribution models.
It’s not about giving you fixed answers – every project is different. It’s about opening your eyes to the questions and issues you need to address to publish a successful, profitable game.
And it will help you make more money.
So sign-up now. Earlybird price is £380 until 8th February.
Even better, until 8th February, you can bring a colleague for half price.
If your business future depends on understanding self-publishing (and whose doesn’t these days), head over to the website and register now.
And if you want to now more about the course, you can always email me.