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Why the mass market will NEVER be gamers
Margaret Robertson pointed me to this article on Scott Pilgrim vs the World. The article is not about the film, it’s about the endless carping about the assumed teenage, ADD, geeky males that the film must be targeted at, according to many, many reviewers.
The full article is worth a read, but this is the quote that leaped out at me:
The author is a lady named Linda Holmes. This is what she says about herself:
Linda IS the mass-market. She plays games. I’ve never played Dancing with the Stars, but mastering the professional cha-cha sounds like a commitment to me. I would call her a gamer.
But she won’t call herself one. When stopped on the street by a market researcher with a clipboard trying to find the elusive mass-market, she won’t acknowledge she’s a gamer.
I’m guessing (and only guessing here) that’s because Linda thinks that “gamers” own PS3s and 360s, not Wiis. She thinks gamers play Modern Warfare 2, not Dancing with the Stars. So Linda doesn’t classify herself as a gamer.
And that makes me think that the casual, mass-market gamer will *never* classify themselves as a gamer. In the same way that I watch movies but wouldn’t call myself a film buff.
In short, the mass market will never be gamers.
But they will all play games.