- ARPDAUPosted 12 years ago
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What do you need from a games freelance database?
I’m preparing the next sprint for the games freelancer database, and I need your help.
The freelance database already offers games freelancers the chance to create profiles under different categories (like games programmer, games designer, games artist and so on).
Now I want to allow companies to post up job opportunities as well. The idea is that this will become a place where freelancers and games companies come together to make great games.
But here’s my question: what type of jobs do you want to post?
What freelance games jobs are there?
I’m currently thinking three categories:
- Freelance games jobs of less than one week
- Freelance games jobs of one week to 3 months
- Contract games jobs of more than 3 months
But is that how you want to hire people? Or do we want people for one day a week? One day a month. For ten days spread over three months?
So can you think back to freelancers you have hired, or jobs you have posted, or jobs you wish you had been able to advertise and tell me what they were like. Tell me what you want from a freelance database.
Then I can make a games freelance database to suit your needs.