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GAMESbrief looking for an intern/freelance

By on June 17, 2011

GAMESbrief is going from strength to strength.
Actually, that’s only partly true. My consulting business is going great. My book writing is taking up lots of time. I have ideas for events, and card decks, and free giveaways.

I don’t have enough time.

So I’m asking for help.

What I need from an intern or a freelancer


I am looking for someone to help me with GAMESbrief’s words, images and the website. I need someone to help me with my weekly guest posts, to source images (and fix the broken ones), and to format posts and books.

At this stage, it is not a writing gig. That may happen. Think of it as a part-time editorial assistant role. GAMESbrief is changing so fast that it could easily grow into more, but one step at a time, OK?

What am I looking for?

My priorities are a little vague. Enthusiasm and commitment may well trump hard skills. Here are my specifications:

  • Self-starting and independent
  • Very good at grammar, spelling and other dull but important stuff
  • Understands basic HTML/CSS (e.g. what’s a <div>, and how do you close one?)
  • Cares about the business of games. (note that the word “business” is more important than the word “games” – if you really want to be writing reviews of Duke Nukem Forever this is not the site for you.)
  • Wants to learn about running a website, creating content, building a community, and turning all of that into revenue.
  • Self-starting (Yes, it’s that important. I need someone I can delegate to).
  • Has done something off their own bat already: built a game, run a website, ran a student society, created a free newspaper, organised a charity. Anything that shows you really do get on and do things.
  • Based in London is an advantage (a real advantage – it’s where the events are, where networking is, where you can quickly make contacts – that’s a general point)

This is not a full-time gig. It’s an experiment. I’m looking to pay for one day a week initially. You’ll need to work with me to identify what needs to be done, and then do it.

Interested? Contact

About Nicholas Lovell

Nicholas is the founder of Gamesbrief, a blog dedicated to the business of games. It aims to be informative, authoritative and above all helpful to developers grappling with business strategy. He is the author of a growing list of books about making money in the games industry and other digital media, including How to Publish a Game and Design Rules for Free-to-Play Games, and Penguin-published title The Curve: