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Are free-to-play games at the second stage of Truth?
German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer posited “Three stages of Truth” *
All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.
It seems to me that free-to-play games are at stage two.
- Initially, they were laughed at. “They can’t possibly work?” “How can you make more money with free than by charging a subscription or upfront free?” “You can’t make a decent game on iPhone if you can’t charge $9.99 on it”
- Now they are being violently opposed: “Free to play games are evil”. “Free to play games are unethical.” “Free to play games will destroy the game industry”. “Free to play games aren’t even proper games”.
How long before the truth – that free-to-play is not only here to stay, but likely to become the dominant business model for games – becomes self-evident?
* According to Wikiquotes, whether it was Schopenhauer who said this remains disputed