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Zoya Street
Is iOS freemium a lottery?
By Zoya Street on December 22, 2011
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9 games make at least $20 million on the Appstore in 2011 – Games BriefHow much money can you make on iOS? That’s a pretty key question if you are trying to work out if it is worth your effort to develop for …
I reckon that 9 games made at least $20 million on the app store in 2011. What do you think?
Viable business or game of chance?
@nicholaslovell Very high revenues from the most successful apps is no surprise. Better question: how easy is it to make a million?
@nicholaslovell So you’re saying that because 50/400,000 apps made $3M+ this is a good market?
@wkawczynski Yep. The App Store is a filtered, not a curated market. Limited gatekeeping, hence lots of dross
@wkawczynski if you have a freemium title with a high quality and an understanding of marketing, you can succeed.
@gamesbrief I think probabilities are against you – even with a good title and marketing savvy you need a lot of luck and timing to be seen
@nicholaslovell looking at the top games doesn’t make it a “viable” platform. Look at top winners of lottery.
@noel_llopis I understand the point but I don’t entirely agree – when the barriers to entry are low, there will be lots of entrants
@nicholaslovell It’s not about the barrier or entry, it’s about the distribution of profits. App Store is *sharp* exponential decay.
Is iOS more viable than the console market, or is competition too intense?
@DRB @wkawczynski Contrast with the console market where you need much more capital AND close relationship with gatekeepers
@wkawczynski True. But in the console world, you need capital, access to 1st parties AND luck…
@noel_llopis It’s a viable platform if smart, business-minded people can make a living: having lots of competition is no worse than…
@noel_llopis … having a console-style gatekeeper. Or do you disagree?
@PiersHR @DRB @wkawczynski For me the joy is that the F2P model means you can have a viable business model on many fewer downloads
@gamesbrief viability of platform also has to look at chance of success don’t you think?
RT @PiersHR: @gamesbrief viability of platform also has to look at chance of success don’t you think? <- yes-ish
i.e. “chance of success” can be increased by having a gatekeeper limiting who can access the market, which is unhelpful long-term
@gamesbrief and by viability, I mean from the developer pov – is that what you meant?
@gamesbrief or assessing which platforms to support including likelihood of success versus returns
@PiersHR Yes, from the devs point of view
@gamesbrief Yes, you need more infrastructure and bigger money but low barriers to entry don’t make a good market – competition is insane
@gamesbrief @wkawczynski Console market has high barriers to entry. But low barriers to entry make competition the barrier to success.
IAP and tribe-building strategy
@wkawczynski I agree. The recipe: build or find a tribe, offer a compelling a product for free, use IAP to satisfy fans at multiple prices
@noel_llopis True. But there is a viable true fan/IAP strategy, isn’t there?
@nicholaslovell Define viable. One person making a living? Yes. A company? Not really (unless you hit the jackpot)
@gamesbrief Yes, once you have a tribe/fan base/users, IAP offers an interesting monetization model. Agreed.
@gamesbrief @DRB @wkawczynski implementing freemium model is no longer a differentiator, your chances of success are still v slim
@gamesbrief @DRB @PiersHR LOL, no, I think that building the tribe is crazy-hard which makes the iOS market very tough…
@PiersHR @gamesbrief @wkawczynski Yeah. Time for Gamesbrief to advocate freemium / iOS model is over. Time to advocate an APPROACH is here.
@wkawczynski @gamesbrief @PiersHR Mr Consonants is right. It’s an opportunity for Gamesbrief to provide very deep and real value. 🙂
@DRB @PiersHR @wkawczynski Are you saying that I’ve WON. Can’t I celebrate that for a bit before moving to the Approach?
@DRB Are you saying that I didn’t add value previously 🙁
@gamesbrief Not at all. Just think iOS, IAP and F2P has passed the tipping point now. Everybody can see they’re the future.
@gamesbrief Time to pick a new frontier. Tribe finding and building is the real challenge now.
What do you think? Has Nicholas Lovell won already? What’s the next step for games devs looking to make money in an increasingly competitive free to play games market?
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About Zoya Street
I’m responsible for all written content on the site. As a freelance journalist and historian, I write widely on how game design and development have changed in the past, how they will change in the future, and how that relates to society and culture as a whole. I’m working on a crowdfunded book about the Dreamcast, in which I treat three of the game-worlds it hosted as historical places. I also write at and The Borderhouse.Nicholas Introduces The Curve
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