- ARPDAUPosted 12 years ago
- What’s an impressive conversion rate? And other stats updatesPosted 13 years ago
- Your quick guide to metricsPosted 13 years ago
Copyright warnings cost the global economy $896 million a year
That’s right. According to blogger and independent developer Cliff Harris of Positech Studios, who makes a living selling games such as Gratuitous Space Battles and Gratuitous Tank Battles, that’s how much the pointless, annoying unskippable copyright warnings at the start of every DVD and Blu-Ray costs the global economy. Cliff’s assumptions:
- Twenty seconds of wasted time per DVD
- One DVD per week for the average consumer
- 200m consumers in the US + another 200m in Europe, Japan, Australia etc
- That’s 56 million hours, at an average hourly wage of $16
- For a grand total of $896,000,000 a year or, as Cliff puts it, 18,000 decent paying full time jobs.
Cliff is no copyfighter, He argues against the free-to-play model and has no time for pirates. This is not someone who believes that the copyright lobby is wrong in its beliefs; he believes they are wrong in their actions.
Check Cliff’s post for full details (and check out his games).
And remember to quote this “nearly billion dollar” figure as much as you like. It is about as accurate as the majority of “revenue lost to piracy” figures bandied about by the copyright industries.