- ARPDAUPosted 12 years ago
- What’s an impressive conversion rate? And other stats updatesPosted 13 years ago
- Your quick guide to metricsPosted 13 years ago
Kickstarter Games projects raise a MEDIAN average of only $23,000
Thomas Bidaux of Ico Partners has done an excellent analysis of successful Kickstarter games projects. Like me, he is very aware of the difference between the mean and the median average, whereby the mean average is heavily skewed by the success of a handful of huge projects like Double Fine Adventure or Wasteland 2.
Thomas’s conclusions:
- Although the average (mean) amount raised is $233,000, the median is only $23,000. To restate that: if you lined up ever successful Kickstarter team in order of the amount they raised, and then picked the team in the middle, they raised $23,000. Half of the teams raised less than $23,000.
- 87 projects have raised $14.3 million from 342,000 backers (not uniques, though)
- There has been a clear acceleration of funding, and the ICO data backs up Kickstarter’s own analysis that big successes like Double Fine lead to increased funding, not decreased amounts.
- The PC is the dominant platform (59 of 87 successes), with iOS (29) and Mac (24) next
You should check out the full post from Thomas, and the presentation from Slideshare is embedded below.