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Top feeds for Game Design and Monetisation Insights

Derek Shanahan of SuperRewards has listed out “29 Best Feeds For Game Design, Monetization, and Free-To-Play Insights” on Gamasutra.
GAMESbrief is top of the list!
OK, so Derek says that the list is in no particular order, but it is still lovely to be at the top. His main criticism is that frequency is intermittent, although he (rightly) credits the work that Zoya has done as deputy editor with getting a steady high-quality flow of guest posts and panel-content such as the GAMESbriefers series.
We have been a little behind on posts, because I have so busy with all the work for The Curve (only two weeks to publication: terrifying) but hopefully we’ll able to increase the number of high-quality, thoughtful posts later this year.
And Derek called me Nick, not Nicholas, twice.
But I’m sufficiently delighted to be on the list that I will forgive him for this transgression.