- ARPDAUPosted 13 years ago
- What’s an impressive conversion rate? And other stats updatesPosted 13 years ago
- Your quick guide to metricsPosted 13 years ago
Looking at In-Game Currencies
This is a guest post from GameSparks, crossposted from their blog The dominant approach to making and monetizing free-to-play games is constantly in flux. The market continues to grow and new contenders are always attempting to...
- Posted 10 years ago
Who is undervaluing social play?
New data released by Everyplay suggests that the most lucrative users in mobile gaming are generally male over female, and 35–44 year olds over other age groups. You also see higher spending among players of competitive games...
- Posted 10 years ago
Why did this fun, polished game fail to hit the top grossing?
This is a guest post from Anthony Gowland Seriously is a company formed from a bit of a mobile gaming dream team. A couple of months ago when Best Fiends, their first game, had just released I...
- Posted 10 years ago
How to avoid an outsourcing catastrophe
This is a guest post from Mike Bloom of BooyaSquad, who have been working with Click Lab. Outsourcing can open doors Most people who want to venture into game dev believe they must build a team...
- Posted 10 years ago
Announcing our new book series
Today we’re launching something that might be familiar to some of you, and new to others, plus something brand new. We’re bringing three books to our Kindle store today. Gamers and Makers on the Edge, Freeing Games...
- Posted 10 years ago
Are we predictably irrational about the word free? Or is it the concept?
Apple has just started an experiment that should be fascinating for behavioural psychologist Dan Ariely. Ariely is the man behind the popular psychology title, Predictably Irrational. In Chapter 3, he explains at length the powerful drive that...
- Posted 10 years ago
How to do a Kickstarter right, the Kitfox Games way
Over on Gamasutra, Tanya X. Short of Kitfox Games sets out her lessons learned from the successful Kickstarter for Moon Hunters. The team, which had already developed and released mobile game Shattered Planet, set out to raise...
- Posted 10 years ago