- ARPDAUPosted 12 years ago
- What’s an impressive conversion rate? And other stats updatesPosted 13 years ago
- Your quick guide to metricsPosted 13 years ago
Splash Damage bought by dodgy Chinese chicken farmer?
The Financial Times has a marvellous article on what it calls “a strong contender for the weirdest deal of 2016”, the acquistion by Leyou, a Chinese poultry farmer, of Splash Damage, the Bromley, UK-based developer of Wolfenstein, Enemy Territory and Brink, for $150 million.

Not only is the deal surprising in its own right (raising chickens and making first-person shooters not being obvious bedfellows) but it has raised alarm bells from the Hong Kong Stock Exchange about a reverse takeover, amidst strange dealings by senior management and shareholders of Leyou.
The full post digs into disappearing profits, “arms-length” transactions to sell the poultry business to the wife of the founder and the confusion about how a loss-making Chinese poultry farmer can become a global F2P game developer in short order. It is very much worth a read.