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  • [Gamesbriefers] Is mobile over for the little guy?

    Question: Kristian Segerstrale was an early investor in Supercell (hey, Kristian). He recently wrote that “Few mobile / tablet games will be made with combined production and marketing budgets below $1M in the future.” Kristian has form...

    • Posted 11 years ago
    • 28
  • [Gamesbriefers] What’s next for Supercell?

    Question: A valuation of $3 billion. Large, deep pocketed, Japanese parents. Only two games, but my, how successful they are. What would you do next if you were the CEO of Supercell. And how do you make sure...

    • Posted 11 years ago
    • 5
  • [Gamesbriefers] What makes you back a crowdfund campaign?

    What campaigns have you backed recently, and what made them stand out in your eyes?

    • Posted 11 years ago
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  • [Gamesbriefers] Is GTAV peak oil?

    GTA has made $1 billion in the first week. But from here on in, we have two console generations to support at the same time that mobile/casual/tablet and so on is taking off. Is GTA V the...

    • Posted 11 years ago
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  • [Gamesbriefers] Crowdfund fumbling a sign of failure for Ouya?

    OUYA announced it would match-fund Kickstarted games that committed to OUYA exclusivity. Then some people thought some games gamed the system by getting friends and family to complete their funding, in order to trigger the OUYA funding....

    • Posted 11 years ago
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  • [Gamesbriefers] Biggest marketing mistakes

    What is the most common marketing mistake you see in the industry? A lot of people struggle to get their games noticed in this crowded market, but they can still be a bit squeamish about actually engaging with...

    • Posted 11 years ago
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  • [Gamesbriefers] Are sexist ad campaigns an inevitable result of A/B testing?

    Quick note: the image to the right is a genderswapped parody produced by staff at free-to-play game studio Meteor. The story behind it is amazing. You should go read it at the Hawkeye Initiative. Question: I wrote...

    • Posted 12 years ago
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