- ARPDAUPosted 13 years ago
- What’s an impressive conversion rate? And other stats updatesPosted 13 years ago
- Your quick guide to metricsPosted 13 years ago
“Advertising is a tax on the poor”
This amazing talk from NYU Stern professor Scott Galloway covers how Amazon, Facebook, Apple and Google are dominating the world. It particularly focuses on the consequences for the users, and is full of amazing soundbites as well...
- Posted 9 years ago
Nintendo is going to be the first major platform to embrace F2P. Here’s why.
Nintendo has decided to adopt the agency model for its self-publishing e-store. Microsoft has confirmed that it will be using the wholesale model, and I believe that Sony is doing the same. If that is the case,...
- Posted 12 years ago
I love this Amazon recommendation
While I was at GDC, Amazon sent me this recommendation. Apart from the foolishness of trying to sell me my own book, I loved receiving this email. Can you see why?
- Posted 12 years ago
Heroes and Zeroes–were my 2011 predictions right?
At the London Games Conference 2011, I was asked to predict 4 heroes and four zeroes in an era of digital transition. With LGC 2012 just round the corner, where I am going to come up with...
- Posted 12 years ago
Platforms move in mysterious ways
The prevailing wisdom of the mobile app market is that you'll make way more revenue on iTunes than on Android. The Flurry blog reports as much, stating that developers can expect to make more than 4...
- Posted 13 years ago
Forget iTunes. It’s Amazon App Market All the Way!
Recently, we launched our new game, Chuck The Chilla on iOS and Android tablets and smartphones through iTunes, Amazon and Google Play. We wanted to test the game on as many devices as possible, before the big...
- Posted 13 years ago
The digital transition–Who is a hero and who is a Zero
If you’re reading this as it is posted, I should be taking the stage at the London Games Conference to convince 200 gaming industry bigwigs of the companies that I think are going to be winners or...
- Posted 13 years ago