- ARPDAUPosted 13 years ago
- What’s an impressive conversion rate? And other stats updatesPosted 13 years ago
- Your quick guide to metricsPosted 13 years ago
[Gamesbriefers] Should you lead on iOS or Android?
If you were starting development on a brand new tablet/mobile game for a new studio, would you lead on iOS or Android and why?
- Posted 12 years ago
[Gamesbriefers] What’s EA’s future after Riccitiello?
Question: Yesterday afternoon, John Riccitiello resigned from Electronic Arts, citing poor financial performance in the recent quarter as his reason. Presumably the challenges at The old Republic, SimCity and the social division were part of that decision....
- Posted 12 years ago
[Gamesbriefers] Is alcohol-enhanced spending a problem?
I’ve been playing Hay Day and enjoying it. Level 32 if you’re interested. I’ve even spent money (2 sets of £2.99, which I spent on upgrading my production buildings and storage so they could do more while...
- Posted 12 years ago
What do employers look for when recruiting game developers? [Gamesbriefers]
Free-to-play game design is iterative, responsive and agile. That changes the nature of the programming skills and attitudes that you need. What are the attributes that you look for in a game developer when recruiting?
- Posted 12 years ago
[Gamesbriefers] Is it better to go it alone than to trust a publisher with your game?
Three developers recently published an open letter alleging that a UK publisher Lace Mamba had failed to pay the minimum guarantees it had promised, had distributed games in territories where it did not hold the rights and...
- Posted 12 years ago
[Gamesbriefers] How should Apple help parents control their kids’ IAP spending?
What should Apple and other platform holders do to eliminate the criticism that IAPs are bought by mistake and what are the best practices that developers should follow to keep their games on the right side of...
- Posted 12 years ago
[Gamesbriefers] Could DeNA’s patent application stifle innovation?
The team behind The Drowning, DeNA’s high-end first person shooter for tablets, say that they have invented gesture controls for a touch screen FPS that “works well when you get used to it”. They have applied for...
- Posted 12 years ago