- ARPDAUPosted 13 years ago
- What’s an impressive conversion rate? And other stats updatesPosted 13 years ago
- Your quick guide to metricsPosted 13 years ago
“Advertising is a tax on the poor”
This amazing talk from NYU Stern professor Scott Galloway covers how Amazon, Facebook, Apple and Google are dominating the world. It particularly focuses on the consequences for the users, and is full of amazing soundbites as well...
- Posted 9 years ago
Why Apple’s ad blocking will be good for games
At this very moment, the top paid app on the US App Store is an ad blocker. Ad blockers threaten the business models of many traditional media businesses as they transition to the web and mobile. The...
- Posted 10 years ago
Top free games charts are killing indies
This is a guest post from John Griffin, co-founder of Gamesparks.com Might as well start off the new year with a controversial topic. Top Games charts. All of the stores provide charts to help promote a subset...
- Posted 11 years ago
Nintendo is going to be the first major platform to embrace F2P. Here’s why.
Nintendo has decided to adopt the agency model for its self-publishing e-store. Microsoft has confirmed that it will be using the wholesale model, and I believe that Sony is doing the same. If that is the case,...
- Posted 12 years ago
20 million downloads later: What First Touch Games has learned about free-to-play
Score! was part of Apple’s 12 Days Of Christmas promotion, in which over the course of 12 days a different piece of paid content is given away for free. Score! was only one of three games included...
- Posted 12 years ago
Apple’s share price fall is all Apple’s fault
Today, PocketGamer reported that Apple’s market valuation had fallen 43% since 19 September, 2012, a drop that is bigger than the entire market capitalisation of rival Google. Meanwhile journalist Craig Grannell berated Apple analysts for having inflated...
- Posted 12 years ago
Experiment and learn after launch: sales figures from Zombie Outbreak Simulator
This is a guest post by Saxon Druce from Binary Space Games, crossposted from his blog. As an indie game developer, I find it very helpful reading articles by other indie game developers about what did and...
- Posted 12 years ago