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  • Kickstarter: After the Kick but before the Start

    I'm the creative director at Stoic and we've been working on The Banner Saga after a shockingly successful Kickstarter campaign. We set out to raise $100,000 to help us expand our game content and ending up with...

    • Posted 12 years ago
    • 5
  • Top ten marketing tips for AAA games

    At the GameHorizon Conference earlier this week, Tom Rothenberg (@ryujinXV), managing partner of McCann Ericson UK, gave a talk on how to achieve a successful marketing campaign in this social-networked media environment. Tom oversees the Microsoft account...

    • Posted 14 years ago
    • 2
  • What’s the best way to build community? Delete your forums

    Forums are nasty, inbred places where aggressive denizens fight hard to keep outsiders at bay. So why do so many games companies believe that community = forum. Forums seem like a great idea. “Hey, we can offer...

    • Posted 15 years ago
    • 4
  • Do developers even want to talk to their customers?

    I’ve just returned from the GameHorizon Conference, which was very focused on online and self-publishing. (It was a great conference, thanks for asking, and congratulations to Carri and the team). But it threw up some interesting issues,...

    • Posted 16 years ago
    • 8