- ARPDAUPosted 13 years ago
- What’s an impressive conversion rate? And other stats updatesPosted 13 years ago
- Your quick guide to metricsPosted 13 years ago
YouTube’s Downfall advice: Contest the takedown
Following the news that Constantin Film has, in my view stupidly, issued takedowns for the many parodies using short clips of its movie Downfall, the backlash has started. YouTube has recommended that anyone who has a video...
- Posted 15 years ago
Are Constantin Film the stupidest company in the entire world?
Constantin Film are the company behind Downfall, a reasonably successful German-language movie based on the final days of Hitler. Downfall has grossed $92 million at the box office since it was released in 2004. It has also...
- Posted 15 years ago
Brown punches aide in game-graphics news report. Libel, anyone?
This is truly extraordinary. A Taiwanese news channel reporting on Bullygate concocts some CGI footage of Gordon Brown punching an aide and throwing a women from her chair. It’s not in English, so I can’t understand the...
- Posted 15 years ago
How “Don’t Be Evil” leads to Guantanamo Bay
Google Buzz is Google’s latest consumer misfire. In its attempt to out-Facebook Facebook and out-Twitter Twitter, the company decided that every user of Gmail really wanted to have every frequent email correspondent treated as a social networking...
- Posted 15 years ago
DLC: Value For Money Naysayers Are Looking At It All Wrong
A comment in this interview with Rebellion’s AvP Director, David Brickley, got me thinking recently about DLC. Largely thanks to the online capabilities of seventh gen consoles it’s a sometimes controversial revenue stream that’s grown fast over...
- Posted 15 years ago
Iain Duncan Smith’s Violent Games Controversy: Credit Where Credit’s Due
Last week Times Online published this Iain Duncan Smith piece, in which the former Tory leader talks about children, and tax and booze… and briefly mentions violent video games. The relevant paragraph is this: “Innocence, he warns,...
- Posted 15 years ago
Scientists behind “games cause rickets” deny a specific link
Earlier today, a number of newspapers ran sensationalist headlines that claimed a causal link between games and rickets. I tried to debunk the story simply by reading the same press release and publicly-available extract available to the...
- Posted 15 years ago