- ARPDAUPosted 13 years ago
- What’s an impressive conversion rate? And other stats updatesPosted 13 years ago
- Your quick guide to metricsPosted 13 years ago
If you buy a book digitally you own it, right? Not if you buy it from Amazon!
Last week was a bad week for the cloud and digital distribution. First, Twitter’s Google accounts got hacked, and details of its funding and strategy were published for all to see. Next, Amazon reaches out over the...
- Posted 16 years ago
Does Gaikai herald another change in Internet infrastructure?
Gaikai claims to offer near-instantaneous gameplay of high-end games on low-end consumer hardware. Is this trend going to spell the end of the Content Delivery Networks? In the early days of the Internet, bandwidth was limited. As...
- Posted 16 years ago
Is Gaikai going to enable us to play all our games for free?
Free seems to be the topic du jour. Chris Anderson’s Free is riding the best-seller charts. And Dave Perry appears to have come out and said that Gaikai enables publishers to give their AAA content away for...
- Posted 16 years ago
Is Gaikai going to change the way we experience games?
Another month and another download service for games emerges. But Dave Perry’s Gaikai makes very different claims from those made by OnLive at E3. Gaikai really could have major implications for how we play, pay for and...
- Posted 16 years ago
Dave Perry showcases Gaikai, his competitor to Onlive
The battle to be the provider of core games via a web browser is heating up. Dave Perry has just released a 10 minute video that claims to show Gaikai working in a browser using standard home...
- Posted 16 years ago
EU Commissioners jump on the wrong bandwagon, again
The BBC reports that two EU Commissioners, Viviane Reding and Meglena Kuneva, are trying to make software (including games) subject to the EU Sales and Guarantees Directive. Which means that they games companies would have to offer...
- Posted 16 years ago
Call of Duty download maps now sold 2 million
The relentless march of AAA titles and their expansion packs continues with news from Activision that the World at War Map Pack 1 for Call of Duty 4 has sold 2 million downloads at $10 a pop....
- Posted 16 years ago