- ARPDAUPosted 13 years ago
- What’s an impressive conversion rate? And other stats updatesPosted 13 years ago
- Your quick guide to metricsPosted 13 years ago
Low conversion in free-to-play is a feature, not a bug
This guest post from Eric Seufert was originally published on his blog Mobile Dev Memo. An article excoriating the supposed plague that is free-to-play made the rounds recently, citing engagement statistics from Swrve’s April report in support of an argument asserting...
- Posted 11 years ago
Early challenges launching Ionage free-to-play
The IAPs in Ionage work a little differently to the majority of F2P games. Although the exact implementation is a little different to the plan I laid out in my last article, the main goals are the...
- Posted 12 years ago
Becoming a Mobile Bloomingdale’s: Merchandising Free-to-Play
Should every free-to-play game be a virtual shopping experience? Opinions vary, but if your bread and butter is microtransactions then there’s a strong case for learning how to merchandise. Not everybody will want to implement the same...
- Posted 12 years ago
Better freemium design | Motor World: Car Factory
This is a guest post from consultant Ben Sipe crossposted from his blog As a Game & Monetization Consultant I’m constantly playing mobile games. I tried to play every game that popped up into the Top 100...
- Posted 12 years ago
Playmobil Pirates Takes Its Name Very Literally
Making fremium games for children is a delicate exercise, one that requires respect, restraint and a focus on value for money, trust from parents and never, ever taking advantage of kids' natural tendency to be obsessive idiots....
- Posted 12 years ago
Sell emotion, not content: Free-to-play Design Rule 13
Selling content is what content creators do, right? Not any more. Now that digital distribution has made it incredibly cheap to share content on the web, consumers are increasingly refusing to pay for it.
- Posted 12 years ago
I must not fail: Free-to-play Design Rule 12
Free-to-play games are all about success. That does not mean that players can’t have to use skill (see Free-to-play Design, rule 4: Complexity in layers). It does mean that they get rewarded for just turning up.
- Posted 12 years ago