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  • Indie Exposure – Why’s it so hard?

    Last Friday I was at the incredible Bit of Alright, David Hayward's smorgasbord of indie delights, giving a talk about Indie Exposure. Self-publishing the Greedy Bankers games has taught me a lot of lessons, not least just...

    • Posted 13 years ago
    • 9
  • Email Marketing for Game Developers

    The number rule for acquiring customers is to make sure that you can contact them again in the future. For decades, games publishers have considered customers as disposable playthings, to be courted for a new game and...

    • Posted 13 years ago
    • 3
  • Why Pro-Amateurs are the Future

     Nobody wants to invest in professional art in a time when we’ve started to use the word “trillion” in everyday conversations about national debts. Add to this the chorus of devaluation that digital distribution has wrought in...

    • Posted 13 years ago
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  • Why a publisher should buy GAME group

    I was speaking at the European Cloud Gaming Summit yesterday and amidst warning people about the upcoming under-12 revolution I made the suggestion that some of the well-heeled publishers in the room should buy GAME Group (the...

    • Posted 13 years ago
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  • Managing a Publicly Funded R&D Project

    In my previous articles I talked about why and how to get funded. Next, you need to manage the project to get a commercializable result. The project won't be a success if the technology goes nowhere.

    • Posted 13 years ago
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  • How to Apply for R&D Funding Grants

    If you are a new company, start thinking about R&D funding now. Whatever stage you are at, be prepared to shop around for the right funding, the right partners and the right project. Some funding levels don't...

    • Posted 13 years ago
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  • Music industry sees CD revenues fall; games next?

    According to the Financial Times yesterday, songwriters and publishers for the first time earned more from broadcasts and legal downloads of their music in 2007 than from the copyright from sales of CDs. I believe that this...

    • Posted 16 years ago
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