- ARPDAUPosted 13 years ago
- What’s an impressive conversion rate? And other stats updatesPosted 13 years ago
- Your quick guide to metricsPosted 13 years ago
Joining Hiro Capital as a Venture Specialist
Last week, we announced that I had joined Hiro Capital as a Venture Specialist. Hiro is one of a new breed of games investor targeting the “post-Seed gap”, helping companies in the games and related technology/wearables sectors...
- Posted 4 years ago
Why Nintendo-DeNA changes everything/nothing, and three pitfalls they’ll need to avoid.
Today, Nintendo accepted that the world has changed. In a surprise announcement, Nintendo revealed it had negotiated a substantial partnership with DeNA to bring Nintendo IP to smart devices. The companies took equity stakes in each other:...
- Posted 10 years ago
Benchmarks are bollocks?
This is a guest post from Chris Kempt in response to a recent post by Nicholas Last week I was at the UKIE AGM (a triumph once again) and while I was there I received a good-natured...
- Posted 10 years ago
Tiga report on funding looks like a very useful resource
TIGA, the UK-based network for developers and digital publishers has this week launched a new in-depth report produced with Google, about funding sources for games companies. It’s split into two parts: a developer survey, and a step-by-step guide to accessing the...
- Posted 11 years ago
Why am I so lucky?
Mark Suster, one of my favourite VC bloggers, wrote a post entitled “Why am I so lucky?” In it, he says that if some unexpected luck comes your way, be sceptical. Not distrusting, just sceptical. So if...
- Posted 11 years ago
50 Questions: What financial information does a VC want to see?
Nic Brisbourne urges all entrepreneurs looking for venture capital to provide financial information - not an overabundance of it, but enough information of the right quality. Investors need the right information in order to make a judgment...
- Posted 13 years ago
50 Questions: If I raise venture capital what differences will it make to how I have to run my business?
Will the way you run your business change after raising venture capital? Yes. How will it change? The short answer is that you will be under much more pressure to stay on-plan - your job now is...
- Posted 13 years ago