- ARPDAUPosted 12 years ago
- What’s an impressive conversion rate? And other stats updatesPosted 13 years ago
- Your quick guide to metricsPosted 13 years ago
50 questions: How does a VC evaluate a company’s product?
How do venture capitalists judge the fruits of your labour? In Nic Brisbourne's latest contribution to the 50 questions series, he gives a brief and clear overview of the methods VCs use to assess a company's product.
- Posted 13 years ago
50 Questions: How do VCs make investment decisions?
Nic Brisbourne's latest post gives an overview of the process from the VCs side: from first "falling in love with a deal", all the way to finally making the investment.
- Posted 13 years ago
50 Questions: What are the five killer things I could do to improve my chances of funding?
If you need a quick and easy injection of fundraising advice, Nic's latest 50 questions post should definitely do the trick. He has five simple but powerful tactics that you can use now to boost your chances...
- Posted 13 years ago
Why Public Sector R&D Funding for Game Developers
You know the scene: you’ve all seen Dragon’s Den. You pitch your idea to a funder. We were just 2 programmers wanting to fund the development of our technology for a next generation of games hardware. We...
- Posted 13 years ago
50 Questions: What are the five biggest pitfalls to avoid during negotiations?
Together with Nic Brisbourne of The Equity Kicker / DFJ Esprit, I am writing a series of 50 questions you should ask when raising venture capital. We expect the series to run for a year, after which we will collate the answers into a book....
- Posted 13 years ago
50 Questions: How should an entrepreneur approach negotiation of the key terms?
Nic's last post in the 50 Questions series was a mathematically dense explanation of how anti-dilution clauses work. This week he gives concise and clear advice on how to negotiate key terms, particularly focusing on valuation....
- Posted 13 years ago
Indie Legals 1.01: Starting an indie game company
A 2009 Nesta report suggested that the creative industries were capable of growing at twice the rate of the economy as a whole. The closure of Blackrock and Bizarre has seen yet more developers join the already...
- Posted 13 years ago