- ARPDAUPosted 12 years ago
- What’s an impressive conversion rate? And other stats updatesPosted 13 years ago
- Your quick guide to metricsPosted 13 years ago
Mobile apps data challenge
How well do you know your industry? Care to test your knowledge of users, platforms and market leaders? To help you get your facts and figures right, Taptica have shared this data challenge with us. See if...
- Posted 12 years ago
Why Apple doesn’t care about the Appstore
$7 billion sounds like a lot of money. That’s how much Apple has paid out to developers making apps for the Apple Appstore since the Appstore was launched in 2008. Given that 30/70 split in the favour...
- Posted 12 years ago
Freemium revenues have increased 4x on iOS in 12 months
60% of social games monetisation comes from virtual goods. Ustwo's Whale Trail has achieved an eightfold increase in number of downloads per month since switching from paid to free. 85% of players do not return after the...
- Posted 12 years ago
The power of getting featured by Apple
It will be completely obvious by the end of this post that Apple features are awesome. Yes, having great reviews on Touch Arcade, 148 Apps, and many other publications helped a lot. But I’m convinced that the...
- Posted 12 years ago
The challenges of porting a PC game to iPad
The PC is undeniably a great place to start out as an indie dev. Its open nature, coupled with a vast pre-existing knowledge base, make it an ideal platform to create and market innovative titles. However, once a...
- Posted 12 years ago
Platforms move in mysterious ways
The prevailing wisdom of the mobile app market is that you'll make way more revenue on iTunes than on Android. The Flurry blog reports as much, stating that developers can expect to make more than 4...
- Posted 13 years ago
Why we abandoned Facebook and went mobile: part 2
Clearly an indie developer needs a mobile strategy to survive or thrive. In my last article, I argued Facebook was dead to indie gamers and the new frontier is mobile games. We believe this so strongly at...
- Posted 13 years ago