- ARPDAUPosted 12 years ago
- What’s an impressive conversion rate? And other stats updatesPosted 12 years ago
- Your quick guide to metricsPosted 13 years ago
Becoming a Mobile Bloomingdale’s: Merchandising Free-to-Play
Should every free-to-play game be a virtual shopping experience? Opinions vary, but if your bread and butter is microtransactions then there’s a strong case for learning how to merchandise. Not everybody will want to implement the same...
- Posted 11 years ago
What you should learn from HTML5 without using HTML5
Last week I was at the HTML5 developer's conference. A dark shadow hung over the entire event, and Mark Zuckerberg's words could be heard echoing through every presentation: "our biggest mistake was betting on HTML5." Predictably then, a...
- Posted 12 years ago
Five essentials when launching your first Android game
For this week’s guest post, Deputy Editor Zoya asked Leslie Moniz from mobile advertising company Jumptap what give pieces of advice she would give to a mobile developer releasing their first game for Android. 1: Get lots of...
- Posted 12 years ago
Best of British: game jamming for cross-promotion and community
In July this year a team of independent developers descended upon Mind Candy's offices in Shoreditch for a 48-hour gamedev lockdown. The jam was a fantastic opportunity for cross-promotion, as well as building a developer community, sharing...
- Posted 12 years ago
Gamesbrief at the Children’s Media Conference
Gamesbrief will be making an appearance at the Children’s Media Conference in Sheffield this week. Nicholas will be speaking on ‘Magnetising and monetising apps‘ on Friday. Zoya will be around as well, so if you’re thinking of...
- Posted 12 years ago
CPA hits all-time high
Fiksu's Cost Per Loyal User Index, a measure of how much it costs to acquire a customer who will open a mobile app three times or more, rose to an all-time high last December at $1.81.
- Posted 13 years ago
Seven reasons why you will develop for Android (and three reasons why it will be challenging)
At the Mobile Games Forum this year it was clear that the landscape of platforms for games development had changed dramatically in the past year. One year ago, feature phones were still relevant in the US and...
- Posted 13 years ago