- ARPDAUPosted 12 years ago
- What’s an impressive conversion rate? And other stats updatesPosted 12 years ago
- Your quick guide to metricsPosted 13 years ago
Seeking players, making games: why Hide&Seek is crowdfunding
Having a proper relationship with an audience who values our work feels like the most important next step we could take as a studio. Enter Tiny Games.
- Posted 12 years ago
[Gamesbriefers] Will 2013 be the year of disillusionment for mobile?
In 2012, both F2P and mobile gaming did amazingly well, until pretty well everyone would admit that they have their upsides and are here to stay. Legions of ex-console developers have dived into mobile. How much of a...
- Posted 12 years ago
Mobile apps data challenge
How well do you know your industry? Care to test your knowledge of users, platforms and market leaders? To help you get your facts and figures right, Taptica have shared this data challenge with us. See if...
- Posted 12 years ago
[Gamesbriefers] Is there a market for real-time, multiplayer, free-to-play games on mobile?
Is there a market for real-time, multiplayer, free-to-play games on mobile? Most successful f2p, multi-player mobile games these days are asynchronous. While this may sound better fit to the use case of a mobile phone (short sessions...
- Posted 12 years ago
Zynga and Rovio: the numbers [infographic]
This great infographic puts the numbers on Zynga and Rovio side by side. With Rovio planning an IPO next year, it is doomed to the same crisis as Zynga? Can Zynga even hope to emulate Rovio's success...
- Posted 12 years ago
The Reason why Facebook is overvalued
Is Facebook overvalued? That's a question bothering a lot of people as they try to work out whether to invest in the stock or not, whether social networking is a fad, and what the next disruptive technology...
- Posted 12 years ago
Why we abandoned Facebook and went mobile: part 2
Clearly an indie developer needs a mobile strategy to survive or thrive. In my last article, I argued Facebook was dead to indie gamers and the new frontier is mobile games. We believe this so strongly at...
- Posted 12 years ago