- ARPDAUPosted 12 years ago
- What’s an impressive conversion rate? And other stats updatesPosted 13 years ago
- Your quick guide to metricsPosted 13 years ago
Buy How to Publish a Game now
How to Publish a Game is here! All of sudden, anyone can publish (even me). But there are a lot of skills you need to publish: sales, marketing, distribution, finance… In this world of digital distribution, anyone...
- Posted 15 years ago
And the winner is…
Thank you for your feedback. You’ve voted in your, well, dozens, and there was a clear winner. With 70% of the vote (and more if I include all the comments), my ebook will look like this: Well,...
- Posted 15 years ago
GAMESbrief is changing
Regular readers will know that I am about to publish my ebook, a 200 page guide called How to Publish a Game. It’s due out on Tuesday 25th May. It will mark a transition for GAMESbrief. I’ve...
- Posted 15 years ago
Please help me: I need to choose a cover for my book
I plan to launch my book “How to Publish a Game” next Tuesday (25th May). But I can’t decide on a cover for it. My talented designer Scott Maclean has come up with five different designs. (Actually,...
- Posted 15 years ago
Why do AAA console developers find making social games so hard?
I am a big fan of Steve Blank. He teaches entrepreneurship at Berkeley and Stanford and wrote Four Steps to the Epiphany. In his most recent blog post, he attempts to answer the question: “Should an entrepreneur...
- Posted 15 years ago
Time to change our thinking: developers outsource to publishers, not the other way round
I’ve been helping a lot of developers with their self-publishing strategy and I’ve discovered that there is one thought process that can make a huge difference to how developers (of all levels) think. Conventional wisdom says that...
- Posted 15 years ago
Why people pay for virtual goods
I was at the Games Gone Wild event in London yesterday (good attendees, format needs work). I heard a fundamental misconception about virtual goods and entertainment purchases repeated a couple of times. “Consumers who enjoy playing free...
- Posted 15 years ago