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    There are so many stats bandied around for F2P games, it can sometimes be difficult to choose which ones to track. We don’t currently use ARPDAU (Average Revenue Per Daily Active User) in the GAMESbrief spreadsheet, but...

    • Posted 12 years ago
    • 18
  • What’s an impressive conversion rate? And other stats updates

    Part of my job here at Gamesbrief is to regularly update the stats pages for the Free to Play Spreadsheet. Recently I've been particularly interested in conversion rates: namely, what makes a good conversion rate? We know...

    • Posted 12 years ago
    • 4
  • Your quick guide to metrics

    I recently gave a talk at the Social Games Summit in Berlin about metrics in free-to-play games. Basicually, it's a quick-start guide to using the online games spreadsheet to start tracking your games' success and figuring out...

    • Posted 12 years ago
    • 1
  • How many downloads?

    How many units of a paid-for game can you sell? For a free game, what is the total number of downloads you can expect? The answer is "it depends". To help you form a view for your own...

    • Posted 13 years ago
    • 3
  • Metrics, Benchmarks and buckets of money

    I was asked to give a talk at Game Connection by Chris Kingsley of Rebellion (well, actually, he asked me to submit a proposal to the advisory board). His main beef: “not enough people put actual numbers...

    • Posted 13 years ago
    • 1
  • CPA, CAC and Customer Acquisition costs

    The costs of acquiring customers for Facebook, browser and mobile games is soaring. At the same time, virality is ever more elusive as Facebook shuts down spam messages and mobile has still not harnessed the social graph...

    • Posted 13 years ago
    • 6