- ARPDAUPosted 12 years ago
- What’s an impressive conversion rate? And other stats updatesPosted 13 years ago
- Your quick guide to metricsPosted 13 years ago
50 questions: How does a VC estimate market size?
Many entrepreneurs are surprised by how much attention VCs pay to market size. You might have a hot product and an awesome team, but the VC is spending all of her time poring over analyst reports trying...
- Posted 14 years ago
50 questions: How much money should I raise?
Entrepreneurs are often unclear about how much money they should raise in a round. There are two opposing schools of thought.
- Posted 14 years ago
How does a VC value a business?
‘What is my business worth?’ is a question every entrepreneur and investor asks themselves all the time. Nic Brisbourne of DFJ Esprit provides some answers.
- Posted 14 years ago
50 questions: What can I do to control the timetable/reduce the time it takes to raise venture capital?
This week, Nic Brisbourne explains what you can do to accelerate the capital-raising process, which mainly means finding ways to reduce the venture capitalists’ perception of risk. If you want to find out how to raise money...
- Posted 14 years ago
50 questions: Why too much money will kill your company
Can there really be such a thing as a startup raising too much money? Of course there can. The history of investment is littered with example of companies that raised too much capital, were feted by the press,...
- Posted 14 years ago
50 questions: How long will it take my company to raise venture capital?
Every entrepreneur I’ve ever spoken to about fundraising wants to know how long it will take.
- Posted 14 years ago
50 questions: What is product/market fit, and why does it matter to your startup?
Here’s the most important thing to remember: Startups are not mini-corporations. A corporation exists to execute on a business model; a startup exists to find a business model.
- Posted 14 years ago